Author / drsebastianmarincolo

Sebastián Marincolo (aka Dr Sebastian Schulz) is a publicist, author, consciousness researcher, public speaker, and strategic consultant for communication and brand design. He studied philosophy and linguistics in Tübingen and in the USA at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill under some of the most influential philosophers of his time, and completed his doctorate on a topic in the interdisciplinary field of neurophilosophy and philosophy of consciousness. His interest in the nature of human consciousness and altered states of consciousness led to a long-standing research focus on the cannabis high and its influence on higher cognitive functions and abilities such as memory, attention, imagination, pattern recognition, introspection, empathy, creativity and spontaneous insight. To enable his research in a highly stigmatized field, he has worked both independently and as an employee in positions as photographer, creative director, and senior consultant for communication for foundations and other internationally operating clients. From 2017 to 2021, he worked as Director of Communications and Marketing, Germany, and as a Director for Internal Communications, Europe, for the largest cannabis producer in the world at the time. This enabled him to help medical cannabis achieve a further breakthrough in Germany and Europe, giving tens of thousands of patients access to cannabis as a remedy. Marincolo is the author of four non-fiction books and numerous essays on the mind-altering potential of cannabis. He worked for a long time with Harvard Assoc. Prof. of Psychiatry Dr Lester Grinspoon, one of the world’s best-known cannabis experts, with whom he had a long-standing friendship. His research and cannabis macro-art photography has received worldwide media coverage, including SPIEGEL-Online, ZDF/3sat, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Hessen 2, SWR1 and SWR2, and Deutschlandfunk. He is a welcome speaker at conferences and has been a guest on numerous podcasts including the Brave New Weed Podcast, Aidan McCullen’s Innovation Show, the Natural Excuse Podcast, and the TrueLife Podcast.
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  • Marijuana, Escapism, and Mind Traveling

    „Is this not the true romantic feeling; not to desire to escape life, but to prevent life from escaping you.“ Thomas Wolfe We all need to escape from our daily routines once…

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  • Marijuana, Empathy, and Severe Cases of Autism

    “You can only understand people if you feel them in yourself.” John Steinbeck, writer, 1902-1968   “Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eye for…

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  • Quote: A Marijuana High Can Enhance Core Human Mental Abilities

    “A cannabis high can enhance core human mental abilities. It can help you to focus, to remember, to see new patterns, to imagine, to be creative, to introspect, to empathically understand others,…

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  • Just Another Altered State of Consciousness

    “Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake?” Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)   Altered States of Consciousness and Western Culture There is the marijuana…

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  • What a High Can Do For Sex

    “If one wanted to depict the whole thing graphically, every episode, with its climax, would require a three-dimensional, or, rather, no model: every experience is unrepeatable. What makes lovemaking and reading resemble…

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  • “War on Drugs” – Quote

    “There has never been a ‘war on drugs’! In our history we can only see an ongoing conflict amongst various drug users – and producers. In ancient Mexico the use of alcohol…

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  • Legalization Quote

    “The legalization of marijuana is not a dangerous experiment – the prohibition is the experiment, and it has failed dramatically, with millions of victims all around the world.” Sebastian Marincolo

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  • Insight Quote

    “The movie Koyaanisqatsi shows non-commented time-lapse footage and focuses our attention on the very rhythm of our civilized modern life and nature. A marijuana high can do something for a user similar…

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  • GUINEA – A Guerrilla-Neurophilosophical Approach to High Science

    What is it like to be high? What is the positive potential of this altered state of consciousness for medical and inspirational uses? How exactly does marijuana enhance cognitive functions like our…

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  • Carl Sagan

    Carl Sagan, Cannabis, and The Right Brain Hemisphere

    „What it comes down to is that modern society discriminates against the right hemisphere.“ Roger Wolcott Sperry (1913-1994), neuropsychologist and neurobiologist, known for his revolutionary studies of split brain patients   In…

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