
Cannabis as a Tool for Mind Enhancement

Hilaritas Press, Colorado, USA, 2023

In this groundbreaking book, philosopher and polymath Marincolo explores the potential of cannabis to enhance a whole spectrum of mental abilities, such as attentional focus, episodic memory, imagination, pattern recognition, introspection, empathic understanding, and creativity. Drawing on his extensive interdisciplinary research and personal experiences, Marincolo presents a compelling case of cannabis as a tool for creative thinking and personal growth.

“Elevated” is an updated, edited, and amended translation of  Marincolo’s bestselling book “HIGH. Das positive Potential von Marijuana” which includes  three new chapters. The much shorter German edition was published by one of the biggest publishing houses in Germany and generated much national and international media attention. 

Published by Hilaritas Press with a foreword by Michael R. Johnson.

Available here and in many other Estores.



“In Elevated author Sebastián Marincolo takes a deep dive into the many and various ways that cannabis can enhance conscious experience, stimulating greater creativity, insight, and awareness. Drawing on history, psychology, popular culture and dozens of sources, he makes the case that cannabis is an ally, and a good one. Marincolo urges readers to go past long held fear-based and risk-based notions of cannabis to appreciate what it truly is, a marvel of health-imbuing and inspirational value.”

Chris Kilham, medicine hunter and author of “The Lotus and the Bud” 

“With the same masterful precision captured in his photography, Marincolo urges us to turn the lens inward. Elegantly, he maps his journey, reasoning, and the process in allowing cannabis to take us to new heights in the exploration of consciousness. Elevated is a joy to read and will shine a light for the novice and the experienced user toward a pathway to the inner journey.”

Valerie Corral, co-founder of the first medicinal cannabis collective in the USA, Executive director of WAMM Phytotherapies

“For many, Elevated will be taking the understanding of cannabis to a new level. It’s well-reasoned, well-researched, and well- written for both cannabis consumers and professionals in fields such as research and healthcare. While clearly touting the many benefits of cannabis, the book takes a grounded and balanced approach that avoids facile claims about the risk-free wonder of the plant.”  

Stephen Gray, teacher and writer on spiritual subjects and sacramental medicines, author of Returning to Sacred World: A Spiritual Toolkit for the Emerging Reality, and Cannabis and Spirituality



The Art of The High

 – Your Guide To Using Cannabis for an Outstanding Life

tredition Verlag, Hamburg 2021

The minimalist guide explains how to use a cannabis high to focus attention, better remember past events, recognize new patterns, or intensify the imagination. Based on his interdisciplinary research, Marincolo shows how to minimize existing risks and use the multiple shifts in consciousness during a high to create art or music, better understand people empathically, enrich one’s love life, or arrive at deep and meaningful insights. For more information, click here

Available here and in many other Estores.


“Nobody has ever broken down the nuances of cannabis psychoactivity quite like Sebastián Marincolo in what he calls a ‘bouquet of cognitive effects and enhancements.’”

Gregory Frye, international storyteller, journalist, and cannabis advocate

“Cannabis is a dazzlingly powerful tool for the expansion of consciousness, heightened sense of presence, increased creativity, exalted aesthetic sensibility, and overall bliss… Sebastián Marincolo has written an exquisite manual for getting high responsibly, deliberately, and productively”

Jason Silva, storyteller, futurist, keynote speaker, known for hosting National Geographic’s BrainGames

“Cannabis is one of earth’s power plants on earth, and Sebastian’s book demonstrates how to use it skillfully as a performance enhancer that can help us all understand the states of our own minds. Highly recommended for aspiring and experienced psychonauts.“

Joe Dolce, author, Brave New Weed and host, Brave New Weed podcast
Founder, Medical Cannabis Mentor

“Sebastian is one of the most prolific researchers and thinkers in the area of purpose-driven cannabis consumption. He will help you enhance both life and work with the practical application of cannabis for empathic understanding, idea generation, creative focus, and non-linear thinking.”

Shawn Gold, Founder Pilgrim Soul, a mission-driven company focused on optimizing human creative performance

Order (German version) Paperback/Hardcover/Ebook

What Hashish Did To Walter Benjamin

– Mind-Altering Essays on Marijuana

Khargala Press, Stuttgart 2015

This collection of 20 groundbreaking, neurophilosophically inspired essays on the mind- altering potential of cannabis high summarizes more than ten years of Marincolo’s research. His new essays provide further insight into the potential of the high for individual users, and also demonstrate that the inspirational use of cannabis has had an important positive impact on many cultures worldwide. With a foreword by Joe Dolce, author of Brave New Weed.

Available here.



“Marincolo’s research on the marijuana high is years ahead of others working in this field”

Joe Dolce, author of “Brave New Weed” & host of the Brave New Weed podcast about the new world of cannabis.

“I agree with Marincolo’s argument about the connection between Benjamin’s meditations on hashish and his meditations on art in the Work of Art essay and elsewhere. I believe, as Marincolo suggests, that there are a good many connections with other areas of Benjamin’s thought as well (…)”

Howard Eiland, lecturer at MIT School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, co-editor of Benjamin’s Selected Writings and author of a biography on Walter Benjamin


– Das positive Potential von Marihuana

Klett-Cotta Tropen Verlag, Stuttgart 2013

In seven essays, Sebastián Marincolo provides new explanations of the potential of the cannabis high, drawing on interdisciplinary research from philosophy of mind, neuroscience, and other cognitive sciences. The book concludes with an unusual plea for the decriminalization of cannabis. Marincolo’s fine-art macro photographs complement the unusual intellectual perspective.  With a foreword by Harvard Prof. Emer. Lester Grinspoon.



“It was not until some years after I began these studies that I initiated personal use of marijuana and I gradually began to discover its capacity to enhance some of my capabilities. I have now arrived at the point where I view this substance as a nature-given blessing. And I am thankful that Sebastian Marincolo has provided us with his timely “High. The Positive Potential of Marijuana” which, as the reader will discover, does much to illuminate this wonderful phenomenon.”

Assoc. Prof. emer. Lester Grinspoon, medical marijuana expert and Harvard Associate Prof. Emer. for Psychiatry

“Marincolo’s book is great evidence that he has further developed a theory of consciousness taking a highly original path. Good philosophers are as comprehensible as possible – they have arguments and do not need to hide anything. It is wonderful to see how his photo art contributes to his research; the photos are magnificent. I have read the book and enjoyed watching the photos with much delight.”

Prof. emer. Manfred Frank, German philosopher 

On sale! Hardcover available for a reduced price of only 2,99 EUR from Frölich und Kaufmann here. Ebook available here. (Only in German)



Insights on Marijuana

dogearpublishing, Indianapolis, USA 2010

This widely acclaimed in-depth neurophilosophical study explores the various ways in which a cannabis high can lead to spontaneous insights as well as numerous other enrichments of mental functioning. Marincolos unusual study offers a revolutionary new perspective on the high and is an interdisciplinary journey through current cognitive science, evolutionary psychology, neuropsychology, and philosophy of mind.



“I’m loving it! Wow. What an amazing, important work! Your book is such a treasure – a unique resource. Such a definitive statement of everything I’ve been thinking when it comes to marijuana … I now understand the benefits that Norman Mailer, Carl Sagan, and Richard Feynman got from Marijuana.”

Jason Silva, filmmaker, gonzo journalist and founding producer/host for Current TV, the Emmy winning cable network started by Al Gore

“Marincolo’s writing and manner of thinking are excellent – I am enthusiastic about recommending his work.”

Michael Backes, author of „Cannabis Pharmacy – The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana

Alien Minds.

– Investigating Eliminative Materialism

mentis Verlag, Paderborn 2002

The scientific investigation Alien Minds is a comprehensive examination of the philosophical position of Eliminative Materialism. The critical refutation of this perhaps most radical philosophical thesis of our time turns out to be a tour de force through recent philosophy of mind, cognitive psychology, neuroscience and philosophy of science.

Research for the dissertation was awarded with grants from the LGFG of Baden-Württemberg, the DFG, the DAAD, and a grant from the German Research Foundation.

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