Tag / creativity

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  • Just Another Altered State of Consciousness

    “Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake?” Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)   Altered States of Consciousness and Western Culture There is the marijuana…

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  • Insight Quote

    “The movie Koyaanisqatsi shows non-commented time-lapse footage and focuses our attention on the very rhythm of our civilized modern life and nature. A marijuana high can do something for a user similar…

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  • GUINEA – A Guerrilla-Neurophilosophical Approach to High Science

    What is it like to be high? What is the positive potential of this altered state of consciousness for medical and inspirational uses? How exactly does marijuana enhance cognitive functions like our…

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  • William Butler Yeats

    Marijuana and Creativity – A Love Story

    “O! For a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention.” William Shakespeare (1564-1616) In a good relationship, a loving partner can inspire you and help your creative output…

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  • Marijuana and The Slowdown of Time Perception

    “Oh! Do not attack me with your watch. A watch is always too fast or too slow. I cannot be dictated to by a watch.”             Jane Austen, Mansfield Park, English novelist…

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  • Marijuana, Pattern Recognition, and What it Means to be ‘High’

    “To understand is to perceive patterns.” Isaiah Berlin, philosopher, 1909-1997 “As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge.” Henry van Dyke,…

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  • Vipers, Muggles, and The Evolution of Jazz

    “I’m the king of everything Got to get high before I sing Sky is high, everybody’s high If you’re a viper…” ‘Viper’s Drag’ (1934), by Fats Waller   Without doubt the history…

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  • Marijuana Insights: Myth or Reality?

    Countless users of marijuana have claimed that marijuana can act as a catalyst to obtain real insights. Are these reports just exaggerations of users justifying their smoking habit? Or is it true…

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  • Marijuana, Introspection, and Personal Growth

    “Once again the powers of the herb open up the mind. Seek deep inside. Tell me what you find.“ Cypress Hill, Temples of Boom III As we mature, we have experiences and…

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