The Art of the High – Tutorial 1: From Short-Term Memory Disruptions to Flow

Can we improve the way we use a cannabis high if we want to experience various mind enhancements, such as better pattern recognition, creativity, or introspection
I would say yes, and it is not even that hard to do. There are some basic tricks that we can learn to minimize risks and to start using a cannabis high for life-changing mind enhancements.
In my new book “The Art of the High. Your Guide to Using Cannabis for an Outstanding Life” I am inviting interested cannasseurs on a journey to learn how to generate and use a cannabis high mindfully and productively for creativity and a whole range of mind enhancements.
One of the major problems for many inspirational, medical, and recreational cannabis users is “losing the thread” during a high – those infamous short-term memory problems during a conversation or other activities.
Can this be avoided? The short answer is yes, and you can do even more. If you learn how to “ride a high”, then you will be able to control some factors so that you can get better into a mental flow without experiencing short-term memory disruptions.
Here are five aspects to consider:
(1) Reflect on your attitude and set new goals
Do you want to get “wrecked” or “dazed and confused” to de-stress, to forget about your problems? Well, we all need our little mental escapes sometimes. But if you constantly use cannabis to temporarily fragment your mind in this way, you will never experience the true potential of this mind-enhancing plant. Reflect upon your attitude towards the high and think about what you want to achieve with it.
(2) Get your dosing right
When using cannabis, most people are using large doses they cannot handle. Adjust your dose to your goals. This also means that you have to learn how to observe yourself during a high. Start low and go slow.
(3) Choose the right method of consumption
A vaporizer can help you to generate a clear, functional high, and it is easier to adjust your dose to your needs. Smoking generates more CBN and other degradation products of cannabinoids and terpenes which probably make you more sleepy and contribute to short-term memory disruptions. Also, get your cannabis fresh, harvested at the right time and well cured. Aged cannabis also leads to short-term memory disruptions and the “dazed and confused”-feeling.
(4) Experiment with cannabis varieties
Certainly, some varieties tend to make you “dazed and confused” or even sleepy, while others generate an energetic high. Some of them will tend to cause “mind-racing”, while others will induce a calm mental focus. Don’t rely too much on marketing claims about Sativas and Indicas – they are mostly wrong. Experiment for yourself.
(5) Stage your high
Before you get high, think about the environment you want to be in. Do you want to be in nature and reflect on your childhood? Or cook a great dinner and enjoy it with your friends? Eliminate “noise” from your environment, everything that could distract you.
What is your experience with losing the thread during a high? What helps you most to stay focused during a high?
Psychoactive substances such as cannabis have a great medicinal, nutritional, and inspirational potential, but also bring risks. Among other things they temporarily alter our perception, which ensures our survival in the world. This course focuses primarily on helping cannabis users to explore the positive mind-enhancing potential of cannabis.
It does not intend to be a substitute for a full benefit-risk assessment of the use of cannabis or for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
It is still a criminal offense in many countries to use cannabis products. This course does not intend to encourage anyone to break the law. The author and the publisher explicitly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, that is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the contents of this course.